Get ready for your Summer at Hopkins experience!
Welcome! 你好 ¡Hola! नमस्ते
As you embark on an unforgettable summer at Johns Hopkins, we’d like to share an overview of the resources and opportunities that will help you make the most of your time with the university, as well as the expectations for your academic and personal conduct at Johns Hopkins.
Online Orientation
As a Summer at Hopkins student, you will need to participate in an online orientation program. It is required but you may complete it at your own pace.
To access the online student orientation course, please log into your Canvas account.
Log in to Canvas
- Visit JHU’s Canvas homepage.
- Click the JHU login button.
- Enter your JHED ID (in [email protected] format) and password.
- Click on CO.AS.SummerAtHopkinsOrientation in your dashboard.
Getting Help – IT
Students should contact the IT Help Desk at 410-516-4357 for general technology help. You may also contact the IT Help Desk via chat. Be sure to have your JHED ID ready if you contact the help Desk. If the issue may impact your work in class, it is advised to contact the instructor to ask for advice on addressing the problem.
Canvas Help
Students have a variety of methods to get help on Canvas. Students should consult the resources listed in the “Help” tab located on the left menu of Canvas.
Avoiding Plagiarism
In alignment with the Codes of Conduct and Academic Integrity, Summer at Hopkins is asking all students to complete the Avoiding Plagiarism Course before their session begins. You will be able to upload your certificate of completion in the Canvas Orientation.
Course and Program Canvas Access
All students should have access to their course site via Canvas by the Sunday prior to the course or program start date. The course(s) will appear in your “Dashboard” and “Courses” tab located on the left menu of Canvas.
Textbooks and Required Reading
All textbooks and required readings will be listed on the course syllabus, which also gives you information on expectations for course conduct, grades, and attendance.
The course syllabus is typically distributed in a welcome email prior to the course or program start date. Instructors will also publish the syllabus, along with other course materials, on the course’s Canvas website.
Pre-College programs on-campus do not have any required textbooks. All materials will be distributed in class.
Session Specific Information
Students will also be added to a modality and Session specific Canvas site to turn in any remaining required forms, learn about activities available during the session, and meet your peers! For students on-campus this includes residential move-in information or commuter check-in.
Residential Student Orientation
Pre-College students living on-campus are expected to join the Residential Student Orientation after dinner on your first night at Homewood campus. This required event will cover important program expectations, including:
- Campus Safety
- City Safety
- Programming Opportunities
- Homewood Campus Resources
Getting Started
Yes. Please purchase any required textbooks in advance of the first day of class. Doing so will ensure you have the needed materials at the start of the course. Not every class requires a textbook. If you have questions, contact your instructor.
Textbook requirements are listed in the university’s course display and on the JHU Blackboard course site.
Using your JHED ID and password, logon to the Student Information System. You will find a link to your current schedule, which will include information about any synchronous class meetings. Be aware that your instructor may announce synchronous meetings on the first day of class.
If your name does not appear on the instructor’s course roster, this means that you are not officially enrolled. Staff can help, but you do need to take quick action.
Let the instructor know you are in the class. He or she will note your attendance, and ask that you correct your enrollment quickly.
Please email [email protected] and ask for assistance in resolving your enrollment problem. Staff will work with you to address the problem.
Using your JHED ID and password, log on to the Student Information System. You will find a link to your current tuition and fee balance, along with a link for credit card payment.
The university will continue to send invoices to persons with unpaid balances. The invoice includes directions on how to pay by check/money order, wire payment, and credit card.
Visit the Student Accounts Office website for more information.