Curious about what’s new with Johns Hopkins University’s Summer at Hopkins? The Blue Jay Bulletin is the best way to stay up-to-date on program and course news and get helpful tips for a successful summer experience. Read on to learn the latest…

Your Guide to Summer STEM Programs

Do you have a passion for science, technology, engineering, or mathematics and an interest in expanding your knowledge through a summer program designed for academically minded pre-college students? Learn what summer STEM programs have to offer, options for online and in-person study, and how to enroll in a program that works best for you.

Program and Course News

New in 2024: 3 On-Campus Pre-College Programs

Be sure to explore Summer at Hopkins’ new on-campus 2024 Pre-College Programs: Foundational Mathematics of Artificial Intelligence; Introduction to Experimental Design in Biology; and Social Inequality and the Public’s Health.

Two New Undergraduate Courses to Consider

Looking for undergraduate courses to dig into this summer? Consider two new options: Mathematics for Sustainability and Positive Psychology. Or choose from more than 80 other undergraduate courses on offer in 2024.

Pursue Your Passion for Medicine and Health

Get a taste of life as a medical school student; explore anatomy, physiology and disease; or get an introduction to surgery or laboratory research through our Foundations of Medicine and Health programs and courses.

Learn More About Summer at Hopkins

Be sure to fill out our Inquiry Form. We will keep you updated on Summer at Hopkins news and events.

Summer at Hopkins Blogs

Pre-College Summer Program FAQs

Do summer programs count as extracurriculars? Do they look good on college applications? Get answers to these and other frequently asked questions about pre-college summer programs. Read more

Your Guide to Preparing for College in High School

Preparing for higher education can help high school students lay the foundation for a successful college experience. Learn how to start preparing for college while you’re still in high school. Read more

Ready to Apply? Follow These Easy Steps

Once you have decided to enrich your summer, take the next steps to ensure your summer is a success. Review four important steps, including tips and reminders from the Summer at Hopkins admissions team. Read more

Are College Summer Classes Right for You?

Considering your summer plans? Learn the benefits of summer courses and get more information on how to enroll as a visiting undergraduate or international student. Read more

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