Transcript Requests

To provide the best service possible and to maintain the security of academic records, transcripts may be ordered in the following ways:

Electronic Transcripts

Official Electronic Transcripts are ordered online through the National Student Clearinghouse. When ordering through NSC, be sure to select Johns Hopkins Arts, Sciences, & Engineering. Your transcript will be sent securely through the NSC (a secure electronic alternative to the traditional paper transcript) in PDF format via email.

NSC charges a service fee per electronic transcript delivery. Any major credit card may be used. Order updates will be emailed to you, or you can check your order status on the NSC website.

Your signed consent is required to fulfill your transcript order. Follow the NSC directions to submit your electronic signature.

Paper Transcripts

There are three ways to order an official paper transcript:

  1. Online: Paper transcripts can be ordered online through the National Student Clearinghouse, and when ordering through NSC, be sure to select Johns Hopkins Arts, Sciences, & Engineering. The National Student Clearinghouse charges a service fee per paper transcript delivery. Your signed consent is required to fulfill your transcript order. Follow the National Student Clearinghouse directions to submit your consent form.
  2. In-person: Transcripts requested in person are handled by the JHU Registrar’s Office. For more information please contact the Office of the Registrar.
  3. By Mail: Transcripts requested by mail are handled by the JHU Registrar’s Office. For more information please contact the Office of the Registrar.

Official Grades

N Ceased attending with officially dropping the course**
Grade* Performance
A Excellent
B Good
C Satisfactory
D Passing
F Failure
S Satisfactory: C- or above (applies to S/U graded courses only)
U Unsatisfactory: D or F (applies to S/U graded courses only)
I/Grade Incomplete course work: the grade that follows the “I/” is the grade received if completion work is not submitted by the deadline and an alternate grade submitted
M Instructor has not submitted a grade
W Official withdrawal

* Plus/minus grades are also used.
** An N grade automatically converts to an F three weeks into the fall semester.
Students are not permitted to audit summer courses.

Pre-College students and visiting undergraduates are not permitted to take courses on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) basis during the summer.

Johns Hopkins undergraduates may take one course S/U per summer. A course may not be taken S/U to absolve a grade of F or D, and credits are not granted for S/U courses receiving a final grade of U. A course must be taken S/U to absolve a U in an S/U course.

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