Film and Media Summer Programs
Interested in creating compelling content? Or maybe you’re looking to learn the ins and outs of the entertainment industry? With courses on everything from podcasting to storytelling for film and fiction, now is the time to develop your creative technique, further your understanding, and collaborate with seasoned writing and production professionals.
Featured Course
Personal Storytelling for the Screen
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday – Online
A workshop devoted to creating compelling short scripts based on personal experience. Analysis of screened films and collaborative development of student work will emphasize how unique worlds and world views can reflect a larger shared humanity. Short critical and creative written exercises, and a longer, creative final project. Get details about this course.
Film and Media Summer Programs at Johns Hopkins
Undergraduate Courses
Pursue new academic interests or tackle a required college-level course in either a focused online or on-campus format.
Succeed this Summer at Hopkins
What’s your story and how do you want to tell it? Whether you communicate with the written word, a poignant picture, or a beautifully produced video, use this summer to refine your storytelling skills and maximize your impact with an audience.