Summer Catalog
Led by innovative and dedicated Hopkins instructors, our programs and courses will help you get ready for college, enhance your college application, or get ahead with your undergraduate degree.
Applied Statistics & Data Analysis I - EN.553.413
Undergraduate students May 27 - June 27 Homewood CampusAn introduction to basic concepts, techniques, and major computer software packages in applied statistics and data analysis. Topics include numerical descriptive statistics, observations and variables, sampling distributions, statistical inference, linear regression, multiple regression, design of experiments, nonparametric methods, and sample surveys. Real-life data sets are used in lectures and computer assignments. Intensive use of statistical packages such as R to analyze data.
Prerequisite: EN.553.112 (Stastical Analysis II) OR EN.553.310 (Probability & Stastics for Phyisical Sciences & Engineering) OR EN.553.311 (Intermediate Probability & Stastistics) OR EN.553.420 (Probability) OR EN.553.421 (Honors Introduction to Probability).
Students may receive credit for EN.550.413/EN.553.413 (Applied Stastics & Data Analysis I) or EN.553.613 Applied Stastics & Data Analysis I--graduate degree version), but not both.
Behavioral Endocrinology - AS.200.344
Undergraduate students May 27 - June 27 Homewood CampusThis course examines both the evolution and mechanisms of hormonal effects on behavior across animals, including humans. Topics will include the effects of hormones on sexual differentiation, reproductive behavior, parental behavior, stress, and social behavior. Additionally, this course emphasizes developing skills in hypothesis testing and critically assessing the scientific literature. Cross-listed with Behavioral Biology and Neuroscience.
Prerequisite: AS.200.141 (Foundations of Brain, Behavior and Cognition) or AS.080.306 (Neuroscience: Cellular & Systems II) or AS.020.152 (General Biology II) or instructor's permission.
Biochemistry - AS.020.305
Undergraduate students June 30 - August 1 Homewood CampusThe molecules responsible for the life processes of animals, plants, and microbes will be examined. The structures, biosynthesis, degradation, and interconversion of the major cellular constituents, including carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids, will illustrate the similarity of the biomolecules and metabolic processes involved in diverse forms of life.
This course is open to Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors only.
Prerequisite: AS.030.205 (Introductory Organic Chemistry I) or AS.030.212 (Honors Organic Chemistry II with Applications in Biochemistry or Medicine) or EN.540.202 (Introduction to Chemical & Biological Process Analysis); the prerequisite may be taken concurrently with AS.020.305.
Calculus I (Physical Sciences & Engineering) - AS.110.108
Pre-College students & Undergraduate students June 30 - August 1 Homewood CampusDifferential and integral calculus. Includes analytic geometry, functions, limits, integrals and derivatives, polar coordinates, parametric equations, Taylor's theorem and applications, infinite sequences and series. Some applications to the physical sciences and engineering will be discussed, and the courses are designed to meet the needs of students in these disciplines.
Calculus III - AS.110.202
Pre-College students & Undergraduate students June 30 - August 1 Homewood CampusCalculus of Several Variables. Calculus of functions of more than one variable: partial derivatives, and applications; multiple integrals, line and surface integrals; Green's Theorem, Stokes' Theorem, and Gauss' Divergence Theorem.
Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in AS.110.107 (Calculus II For Biological and Social Science) or AS.110.109 (Calculus II For Physical Sciences and Engineering) or AS.110.113 (Honors Single Variable Calculus) or AS.110.201 (Linear Algebra) or AS.110.212 (Honors Linear Algebra) or AS.110.302 (Differential Equations and Applications), or a 5 on the AP BC exam.
Digital Photography I - AS.371.152
Pre-College students & Undergraduate students June 30 - August 1 Homewood CampusIn this introductory photography course, we will learn the fundamental techniques of image-making using digital camera technology and editing software. Emphasis will be placed on DSLR/Mirrorless camera functions as both a means of proper image exposure and creative effect. We will also explore the traditional rules of photographic composition and contemporary image design. Adobe software will be utilized for organizing, editing, adjusting, and manipulating our images to make beautifully crafted files and inkjet prints. Throughout the semester, we will engage in classroom critiques, field trips, readings, and discussions, to expand our photographic vocabulary. In this course, creative exploration will be fostered through the visual language of photography. DSLR cameras are available on loan for the semester. Attendance for the first class is mandatory.
Early Modern Europe & the Wider World - AS.100.103
Pre-College students & Undergraduate students June 30 - August 1 Homewood CampusThis survey course examines the history of Europe from the early sixteenth to the late eighteenth centuries. Topics to be examined include the Reformations and religious wars, curiosity, contact and conquest of non-European lands, the rise of modern bureaucratic states, the emergence of popular sovereignty as a political criterion, the new science, as well as expanding literacy and consumption.
Evolution & Human Behavior - AS.290.307
Undergraduate students June 30 - August 1 Homewood CampusThe course examines human behavior from an evolutionary perspective. Lectures and seminar-based discussion of the primary literature will cover some of the major approaches and areas of study within the fields of (1) evolutionary anthropology, (2) evolutionary psychology, (3) human behavioral ecology, and (4) evolutionary medicine.
Prerequisite: AS.290.101 (Human Origins) or AS.200.208 (Animal Behavior).
Gateway Computing: JAVA - EN.500.112
Pre-College students & Undergraduate students June 30 - August 1 Homewood CampusThis course introduces fundamental programming concepts and techniques, and is intended for all who plan to develop computational artifacts or intelligently deploy computational tools in their studies and careers. Topics covered include the design and implementation of algorithms using variables, control structures, arrays, functions, files, testing, debugging, and structured program design. Elements of object-oriented programming. algorithmic efficiency and data visualization are also introduced. Students deploy programming to develop working solutions that address problems in engineering, science and other areas of contemporary interest that vary from section to section. Course homework involves significant programming. Attendance and participation in class sessions are expected.
Prerequisite: Students may not have earned credit in the following courses: EN.500.113 (Gateway Computing: Python), EN.500.114 (Gateway Computing: Matlab), EN.500.202 (Computation and Programming for Materials Scientists and Engineers), EN.500.132 (Bootcamp: JAVA), EN.500.133 (Bootcamp: Python), or EN.500.134 (Bootcamp: Matlab).
Gateway Computing: Python - EN.500.113
Pre-College students & Undergraduate students June 30 - August 1 Homewood CampusThis course introduces fundamental programming concepts and techniques, and is intended for all who plan to develop computational artifacts or intelligently deploy computational tools in their studies and careers. Topics covered include the design and implementation of algorithms using variables, control structures, arrays, functions, files, testing, debugging, and structured program design. Elements of object-oriented programming. algorithmic efficiency and data visualization are also introduced. Students deploy programming to develop working solutions that address problems in engineering, science and other areas of contemporary interest that vary from section to section. Course homework involves significant programming. Attendance and participation in class sessions are expected.
This course is scheduled to run Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between 12 p.m. and 3 p.m.
Prerequisite: Students may not have earned credit in the following courses: EN.500.112 (Gateway Computing: JAVA), EN.500.114 (Gateway Computing: Matlab), EN.500.202 (Computation and Programming for Materials Scientists and Engineers), EN.500.132 (Bootcamp: JAVA), EN.500.132 (Bootcamp: JAVA), or EN.500.134 (Bootcamp: Matlab).
General Physics for Physical Science Majors (AL) I - AS.171.107
Undergraduate students May 27 - June 27 Homewood CampusThis two-semester sequence in general physics is identical in subject matter to AS.171.101-AS.171.102, covering mechanics, heat, sound, electricity and magnetism, optics, and modern physics, but differs in instructional format. Rather than being presented via lectures and discussion sections, it is instead taught in an "active learning" style with most class time given to small group problem-solving guided by instructors.
Recommended Corequisites: AS.173.111 (General Physics Laboratory I) AND either AS.110.106 (Calculus I For Biology and Social Sciences) or AS.110.108 (Calculus I For Physical Sciences and Engineering) or AS.110.113 (Honors Single Variable Calculus).
General Physics for Physical Science Majors (AL) II - AS.171.108
Undergraduate students June 30 - August 1 Homewood CampusThis two-semester sequence in general physics is identical in subject matter to AS.171.101-AS.171.102, covering mechanics, heat, sound, electricity and magnetism, optics, and modern physics, but differs in instructional format. Rather than being presented via lectures and discussion sections, it is instead taught in an "active learning" style with most class time given to small group problem-solving guided by instructors.
Recommended Course Background: C- or better in AS.171.101 (General Physics: Physical Science Major I) OR AS.171.103 (General Physics/Biology Majors II) or AS.171.105 (Classical Mechanics 1) OR AS.171.107 [General Physics for Physical Science Majors (AL) I] OR or the first semester of EN.530.123 (Introduction to Mechanics I).
Prerequisite: Students must have taken or be concurrently enrolled in AS.110.107 (Calculus II for Biology and Social Sciences) OR AS.110.109 (Calculus II for Physical Sciences and Engineering) OR AS.110.211 (Honors Multivariable Calculus) OR AS 110.113 (Honors Single Variable Calculus).
General Physics Laboratory I - AS.173.111
Undergraduate students May 27 - June 27 Homewood CampusExperiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics. While this lab course lab is not required as a co-requisite of the corresponding General Physics lecture course it is strongly recommended. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
Prerequisite: Students must have taken or be concurrently enrolled in either AS.171.101 (General Physics: Physical Science Majors I) OR AS.171.103 (General Physics I for Biology Majors) OR AS.171.105 (Classical Mechanics I) OR AS.171.107 [General Physics for Physical Science Majors (AL) I]. Students must have completed Lab Safety training prior to registering for this class. To access the tutorial, login to myLearning and enter 458083 in the Search box to locate the appropriate module
General Physics Laboratory II - AS.173.112
Undergraduate students June 30 - August 1 Homewood CampusExperiments performed in the lab provide further illustration of the principles discussed in General Physics. While this lab course lab is not required as a co-requisite of the corresponding General Physics lecture course it is strongly recommended. Note: First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
Prerequisites: Students must have completed or be concurrently enrolled in either AS.171.102 (General Physics: Physical Science Majors II) OR AS.171.104 (General Physics: Biology Majors II) OR AS.171.106 Electricity & Magnetism I) OR AS.171.108 [General Physics for Physical Science Majors (AL) II] OR EN.530.123 (Classical Mechanics I). Students must have completed Lab Safety training prior to registering for this class. To access the tutorial, login to myLearning and enter 458083 in the Search box to locate the appropriate module.
Human Origins - AS.290.101
Pre-College students & Undergraduate students May 27 - June 27 Homewood CampusThis course examines the origins of human structure, function and behavior from an evolutionary perspective. It includes study of the evolution, behavior and behavioral ecology of nonhuman primates; hominid evolution (including the paleontological and archaeological records); and the origins of human cognition, social behavior and culture.
Intermediate Probability and Stastics - EN.553.311
Undergraduate students May 27 - June 27 Homewood CampusAn introduction to probability and statistics at the calculus level, intended for students in the biological sciences planning to take only one course on the topics. This course will be at the same technical level as EN.553.310. Students are encouraged to consider EN.553.420-430 instead. Combinatorial probability, independence, conditional probability, random variables, expectation and moments, limit theory, estimation, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, tests of means and variances, and goodness-of-fit will be covered. Students cannot receive credit for both EN.553.310 and EN.553.311. Students cannot receive credit for EN.553.311 after having received credit for EN.553.420 or En.553.430. Recommended Course Corequisite: AS.110.202.
Prerequisite: AS.110.109 (Calculus II For Physical Sciences and Engineering) or AS.110.113 (Honors Single Variable Calculus).
Statistics Sequence restriction: Students who have completed any of these courses may not register: EN.553.310 (Probability & Statistics for the Physical Sciences and Engineering) or EN.553.420 (Introduction to Probability) or EN.553.421 (Honors Introduction to Probability) or EN.553.430 (Introduction to Statistics) or EN.560.348 (Probability & Statistics in Civil Engineering).
Introduction to Neuroplasticity and Neurology - AS.080.119
Pre-College students & Undergraduate students June 30 - August 1 Homewood CampusRecent scientific evidence shows that our brain has a great deal of malleability at any age and that our lifestyle choices play an important role in shrinking or growing different parts of our brain. Factors such as poor sleep, obesity, anxiety, and poor diet lead to accumulating shrinkage in the brain while even three months of exercise, brain training, meditation, and optimal sleep can grow the brain. You can learn to apply these new discoveries into your day-to-day life in order to improve your memory, attention, organizational skills, and overall brain vitality. Much of your learning in this course will happen during classes. Each lecture is followed by a 10-minute engaging and fun discussion session to make sure you have grasped the main concepts for that presentation.
Introduction to Neuroscience - AS.080.105
Pre-College students & Undergraduate students June 30 - August 1 Homewood CampusThis course will provide a fundamental understanding of the mammalian nervous system, with an emphasis on how molecules, cells, circuits, and systems in the brain work to promote behavior and cognition. Topics covered in this course include the function of nerve cells, signaling between brain networks, basic neuroanatomy, and the neural bases of movement, sensation, and memory. This course is designed for any student who has an interest in the range of disciplines we call neuroscience.
Introduction to the Philosophy of Art: What is Art? - AS.150.143
Pre-College students & Undergraduate students May 27 - June 27 Homewood CampusThe disciplines of Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art are concerned with philosophical questions about beauty and art, respectively. This course will explore one of the primary questions that threads through both disciplines: what is art? Is art representation? Is art expression? Is art only art in virtue of its context? Maybe art is a social and political tool? This class will begin its exploration through the historical perspectives of some of the great philosophers of the Western World, such as Plato and Hume, and work our way towards more contemporary views by philosophers such Arthur Danto and bell hooks. Beyond the chronology of art, this course will cover perspectives on “not art” art, art that (some argue) has been wrongly excluded from the dominant Western canon, such as craft and folk art.
Note: This course meets on Mondays and Fridays from 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM, and on Wednesdays from 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM.
Introductory Chemistry I - AS.030.101
Undergraduate students May 27 - June 27 Homewood CampusThe fundamental principles of chemistry, including atomic and molecular structure, bonding, elementary thermodynamics, equilibrium and acids and bases, are introduced in this course. Can be taken with Introductory Chemistry Laboratory – I unless lab has been previously completed. Note: Students taking this course and Laboratory 030.105 may not take any other courses in the summer sessions at the same time and should devote their full time to these subjects. High school physics and calculus are strongly recommended as prerequisites. First and second terms must be taken in sequence. Students not enrolled in college (unless they are rising freshmen) may not take this course.
Introductory Chemistry II - AS.030.102
Undergraduate students June 30 - August 1 Homewood CampusContinuation of AS.030.101 emphasizing chemical kinetics, chemical bonding. Topics: energy levels and wave functions for particle-in-a-box and hydrogen atom and approximate wave functions for molecules including introduction to hybrid orbitals. Note: Students taking this course and Laboratory 030.105-106 may not take any other course in the summer sessions at the same time and should devote their full time to these subjects. High school physics and calculus are strongly recommended as prerequisites. First and second terms must be taken in sequence.
Prerequisite: AS.030.101 (Introductory Chemistry I). Students enrolled in AS.030.103 (Applied Chemical Equilibrium and Reactivity with Lab) may not enroll in or receive credit for AS.030.102.
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory I - AS.030.105
Undergraduate students May 27 - June 27 Homewood CampusLaboratory work includes quantitative analysis and the measurement of physical properties. Open only to those who are registered for or have successfully completed Introductory Chemistry 030.101.
Prerequisites: Students must have completed or be enrolled in AS.030.101 (Introductory Chemistry I) or EN.510.101 (Introduction to Materials Chemistry) in order to register for AS.030.105. Students must have completed Lab Safety training prior to registering for this class. To access the tutorial, login to myLearning and enter 458083 in the Search box to locate the appropriate module.
Introductory Chemistry Laboratory II - AS.030.106
Undergraduate students June 30 - August 1 Homewood CampusLaboratory work includes some quantitative analysis and the measurement of physical properties. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Chemistry II (AS.030.102). Permission required for pre-college students.
Prerequisites: AS.030.105 (Introductory Chemistry Laboratory I) and AS.030.101 (Introductory Chemistry I) OR EN.510.101 (Introduction to Materials Chemistry). Students enrolled in AS.030.103 (Applied Chemical Equilibrium and Reactivity w/Lab) may not enroll in or receive credit for AS.030.106. Students must have completed Lab Safety training prior to registering for this class. To access the tutorial, login to myLearning and enter 458083 in the Search box to locate the appropriate module.
Introductory Organic Chemistry I - AS.030.205
Undergraduate students May 27 - June 27 Homewood CampusThis course provides an introduction to the fundamental chemistry of carbon compounds. Topics include interrelationships of structure, physical properties, synthesis, and reactions and their mechanisms as well as a brief overview of bio-organic chemistry. Note: Students taking this course and the laboratory 030.105-106 may not take any other course in the summer sessions and should devote full time to these subjects. First and second terms must be taken in sequence. Prerequisite: Introductory Chemistry or the equivalent.
Prerequisite: AS.030.102 (Introductory Chemistry II) or AS.030.103 (Applied Equilibrium and Reactivity w/Lab) or EN.510.101 (Introduction to Materials Chemistry) or AS.030.204 (Chemical Structure and Bonding w/Lab).
Introductory Organic Chemistry Laboratory - AS.030.225
Undergraduate students June 30 - August 1 Homewood CampusLaboratory work includes fundamental laboratory techniques and preparation of representative organic compounds. Open only to those who are registered for or have completed Introductory Organic Chemistry. Note: This one-semester course is offered each term. Introductory Organic Chemistry I/II requires one semester of the laboratory.
Prerequisites: AS.030.205 (Introductory Organic Chemistry I), which can be taken concurrently with AS.305.225( Introductory Organic Chemistry Laboratory); AND AS.030.102 (Introductory Chemistry II) AND AS.030.106 (Introductory Chemistry Laboratory II) OR AS.030.103 (Applied Equilibrium and Relativity w/Lab). Students must have completed Lab Safety training prior to registering for this class. To access the tutorial, login to myLearning and enter 458083 in the Search box to locate the appropriate module.