2025 Application is Now Open
Undergraduate Courses for Next-Gen Scholars
To review the Summer Term undergraduate courses available to pre-college students enrolled in the Next Generation Scholars Academy, set the LOCATION filter to Homewood Campus and the DATE RANGE filter to June 30 - August 1 .
Calculus I (Physical Sciences & Engineering) - AS.110.108
Pre-College students & Undergraduate students June 30 - August 1 Homewood CampusDifferential and integral calculus. Includes analytic geometry, functions, limits, integrals and derivatives, polar coordinates, parametric equations, Taylor's theorem and applications, infinite sequences and series. Some applications to the physical sciences and engineering will be discussed, and the courses are designed to meet the needs of students in these disciplines.
Calculus III - AS.110.202
Pre-College students & Undergraduate students June 30 - August 1 Homewood CampusCalculus of Several Variables. Calculus of functions of more than one variable: partial derivatives, and applications; multiple integrals, line and surface integrals; Green's Theorem, Stokes' Theorem, and Gauss' Divergence Theorem.
Prerequisite: Grade of C- or better in AS.110.107 (Calculus II For Biological and Social Science) or AS.110.109 (Calculus II For Physical Sciences and Engineering) or AS.110.113 (Honors Single Variable Calculus) or AS.110.201 (Linear Algebra) or AS.110.212 (Honors Linear Algebra) or AS.110.302 (Differential Equations and Applications), or a 5 on the AP BC exam.
Digital Photography I - AS.371.152
Pre-College students & Undergraduate students June 30 - August 1 Homewood CampusIn this introductory photography course, we will learn the fundamental techniques of image-making using digital camera technology and editing software. Emphasis will be placed on DSLR/Mirrorless camera functions as both a means of proper image exposure and creative effect. We will also explore the traditional rules of photographic composition and contemporary image design. Adobe software will be utilized for organizing, editing, adjusting, and manipulating our images to make beautifully crafted files and inkjet prints. Throughout the semester, we will engage in classroom critiques, field trips, readings, and discussions, to expand our photographic vocabulary. In this course, creative exploration will be fostered through the visual language of photography. DSLR cameras are available on loan for the semester. Attendance for the first class is mandatory.
Early Modern Europe & the Wider World - AS.100.103
Pre-College students & Undergraduate students June 30 - August 1 Homewood CampusThis survey course examines the history of Europe from the early sixteenth to the late eighteenth centuries. Topics to be examined include the Reformations and religious wars, curiosity, contact and conquest of non-European lands, the rise of modern bureaucratic states, the emergence of popular sovereignty as a political criterion, the new science, as well as expanding literacy and consumption.
Gateway Computing: JAVA - EN.500.112
Pre-College students & Undergraduate students June 30 - August 1 Homewood CampusThis course introduces fundamental programming concepts and techniques, and is intended for all who plan to develop computational artifacts or intelligently deploy computational tools in their studies and careers. Topics covered include the design and implementation of algorithms using variables, control structures, arrays, functions, files, testing, debugging, and structured program design. Elements of object-oriented programming. algorithmic efficiency and data visualization are also introduced. Students deploy programming to develop working solutions that address problems in engineering, science and other areas of contemporary interest that vary from section to section. Course homework involves significant programming. Attendance and participation in class sessions are expected.
Prerequisite: Students may not have earned credit in the following courses: EN.500.113 (Gateway Computing: Python), EN.500.114 (Gateway Computing: Matlab), EN.500.202 (Computation and Programming for Materials Scientists and Engineers), EN.500.132 (Bootcamp: JAVA), EN.500.133 (Bootcamp: Python), or EN.500.134 (Bootcamp: Matlab).
Gateway Computing: Python - EN.500.113
Pre-College students & Undergraduate students June 30 - August 1 Homewood CampusThis course introduces fundamental programming concepts and techniques, and is intended for all who plan to develop computational artifacts or intelligently deploy computational tools in their studies and careers. Topics covered include the design and implementation of algorithms using variables, control structures, arrays, functions, files, testing, debugging, and structured program design. Elements of object-oriented programming. algorithmic efficiency and data visualization are also introduced. Students deploy programming to develop working solutions that address problems in engineering, science and other areas of contemporary interest that vary from section to section. Course homework involves significant programming. Attendance and participation in class sessions are expected.
This course is scheduled to run Monday, Wednesday, and Friday between 12 p.m. and 3 p.m.
Prerequisite: Students may not have earned credit in the following courses: EN.500.112 (Gateway Computing: JAVA), EN.500.114 (Gateway Computing: Matlab), EN.500.202 (Computation and Programming for Materials Scientists and Engineers), EN.500.132 (Bootcamp: JAVA), EN.500.132 (Bootcamp: JAVA), or EN.500.134 (Bootcamp: Matlab).
Introduction to Neuroplasticity and Neurology - AS.080.119
Pre-College students & Undergraduate students June 30 - August 1 Homewood CampusRecent scientific evidence shows that our brain has a great deal of malleability at any age and that our lifestyle choices play an important role in shrinking or growing different parts of our brain. Factors such as poor sleep, obesity, anxiety, and poor diet lead to accumulating shrinkage in the brain while even three months of exercise, brain training, meditation, and optimal sleep can grow the brain. You can learn to apply these new discoveries into your day-to-day life in order to improve your memory, attention, organizational skills, and overall brain vitality. Much of your learning in this course will happen during classes. Each lecture is followed by a 10-minute engaging and fun discussion session to make sure you have grasped the main concepts for that presentation.
Introduction to Neuroscience - AS.080.105
Pre-College students & Undergraduate students June 30 - August 1 Homewood CampusThis course will provide a fundamental understanding of the mammalian nervous system, with an emphasis on how molecules, cells, circuits, and systems in the brain work to promote behavior and cognition. Topics covered in this course include the function of nerve cells, signaling between brain networks, basic neuroanatomy, and the neural bases of movement, sensation, and memory. This course is designed for any student who has an interest in the range of disciplines we call neuroscience.
Mathematics for Sustainability - AS.110.126
Pre-College students & Undergraduate students June 30 - August 1 Homewood CampusMathematics for Sustainability covers topics in measurement, probability, statistics, dynamics, and data analysis. In this course, students will analyze, visually represent, and interpret large, real data sets from a variety of government, corporate, and non-profit sources. Through local and global case studies, students will engage in the mathematics behind environmental sustainability issues and the debates centered on them. Topics include climate change, natural resource use, waste production, air and water pollution, water scarcity, and decreasing biodiversity. The software package R is used throughout the course.
Prerequisites: Comfort with algebraic expressions and functions. No prior experience in coding is required.
Minds and Machines - AS.140.316
Pre-College students & Undergraduate students June 30 - August 1 Homewood CampusIs the mind identical to the brain? Is the mind (or brain) a computer? Could a computer reason, have emotions, or be morally responsible? This course examines such questions philosophically and historically. Topics include the history of AI research from 1940s to present; debates in cognitive science related to AI (computationalism, connectionism, and 4E cognition); and AI ethics.
Precalculus - AS.110.105
Pre-College students & Undergraduate students June 30 - August 1 Homewood CampusThis course provides students with the background necessary for the study of calculus. It begins with a review of the coordinate plane, linear equations, and inequalities, and moves purposefully into the study of functions. Students will explore the nature of graphs and deepen their understanding of polynomial, rational, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions, and will be introduced to complex numbers, parametric equations, and the difference quotient.
Stars and the Universe: Cosmic Evolution - AS.171.118
Pre-College students & Undergraduate students June 30 - August 1 Homewood CampusThis course looks at the evolution of the universe from its origin in a cosmic explosion to emergence of life on Earth and possibly other planets throughout the universe. Topics include big-bang cosmology; origin and evolution of galaxies, stars, planets, life, and intelligence; black holes; quasars; and relativity theory. The material is largely descriptive, based on insights from physics, astronomy, geology, chemistry, biology, and anthropology.
Thriving Through College: A Developmental and Psychological Perspective - AS.200.210
Pre-College students & Undergraduate students June 30 - August 1 Homewood CampusStudents will develop a working knowledge of the characteristics that have been identified through research as being important in effective college transitions. Using practical and theoretical objectives, the course will explore the relevance of developmental and positive psychological processes as they apply in academic and social settings and provide theory-based research approaches for thriving in college and beyond. The developmental period of emerging adulthood (ages 18-25) will be discussed with a primary focus on cognitive, moral, and identity development theories. Students also will gain an understanding of what contributes to thriving and how to build the enabling conditions of a life worth living. The developmental theories and central concepts in positive psychology will provide students with a foundation to navigate college academic expectations and equip them with the attitudes, skills, and resources needed to function optimally and excel in college.
Understanding the Food System - AS.190.223
Pre-College students & Undergraduate students June 30 - August 1 Homewood CampusThis course examines the politics and policies that shape the production and consumption of food. Topics include food security, obesity, crop and animal production, and the impacts of agriculture on climate change. We will also consider the vulnerabilities of our food system to challenges such as the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as efforts to transform food and agriculture through new food technologies and grass-roots movements to create a more democratic food system.
Students who have completed AS.190.405 (Food Politics) may not enroll in this class.