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Results for: “Epidemics, Pandemics, and Outbreaks”

Epidemics, Pandemics, and Outbreaks - AS.360.146

Pre-College students July 7 - July 18 Online
1 Credit Status: Open Save this Course View Saved Courses

In the midst of a global pandemic that has shifted the ways in which we move, work, and interact with others around the world, it is more important than ever to have a deeper understanding of how outbreaks, epidemics, and pandemics have evolved. You will review select communicable (COVID-19, Ebola, Zika, and HIV) and non-communicable (diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, injury, and mental health) diseases in public health around the world. Examine the global burden of these diseases and the various forms of prevention efforts undertaken by global and national organizations. This program will use a combination of lecture, discussion, and student presentation format to encourage broad participation.

This online program is primarily delivered asynchronously, but students are expected to meet both daily and weekly deadlines for class assignments. Your instructor will also provide optional opportunities for synchronous sessions, such as office hours, group discussions, and supplemental lectures. Attendance for synchronous sessions is voluntary and based on students’ availability.

Prerequisite: There are no prerequisites for this program.

Required Text: There are no required textbooks for this program; all readings and video resources will be made available to you throughout the program.

2 weeks
Area of Study
Foundations of Medicine and Health
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